понедельник, 15 июня 2009 г.


"The University of Colorado at Boulder has submitted a roster containing information about you and your upcoming trip with their Study Abroad Program. Our company, International Educational Exchange Services (IEES) is the Administrator for your insurance coverage for that trip"

Behold, I am now insured in Japan! Just in case I, I don't know, walk into a running vehicle. Or get into a terrible biking accident with another bike. Not that either of above have happened before...

Now all I need, basically, is my Certificate of eligibility and then I'm good to go to get my visa and finally go to Japan! Except they said that they're probably going to get my COE in mid-July, so I guess I won't be leaving earlier than August? Messes with my plan of leaving on the 1st of July just a bit. Hopefully I'll get to visit my friends before I have to go back to school.

I'm just a little bit restless - I'm so bored!
I just want to go to Japan already.