четверг, 18 июня 2009 г.


Being an unemployed couch potato that I am and bumming off of my parents for my everything, I have copious amounts of free time now that summer is here. Since I got back from my "Let's go follow a Korean hip hop band!" adventure in California (which ran me a pretty penny but SO worth it) almost a month ago, I have absolutely nothing to do.
The first 2 days were spent on re-arranging and cleaning my room. I lost my motivation about half way through, so all of my books currently remain in the basement and my clothes in plastic boxes.
The first 2 weeks were also spent sleeping about 12 hours a day - since with the exception of power naps and weekends I was only sleeping on every other day through out the semester - what can I say, college education breaks lives.

Now, though, I'm all caught up on sleep and I can't sleep more than 8 hours a day. Pity, really.
I have been reduced to doing nothing but watching Japanese dramas all day.
I am currently following Atashinchi no Danshi (which I can comprehend without subtitles for the most part), Mr Brain (which I can't understand more than half of and am so completely lost when there are no subs) and also watching Mei-chan no Shitsuji, Bloody Monday, Galileo and Binbo Danshi when I'm bored.

And trust me, I am bored, although I'm sure that the sheer number of things I am watching is pretty indicative. I have spent about 4 hours today watching Bloody Monday - and let me tell you, it is the most intense Japanese drama ever made. Russian terrorists, terrorists in general, an artificially created extra-deadly virus that, pretty much is a modern day equivalent of the black plague and can wipe out Tokyo in a week and to top it all off, the main protagonist is a highschool-aged genius most-brilliant-in-Japan hacker played by Miura Haruma (Koizora anyone?) The intensity of it all pretty much breaks my brain, and I think I might asphyxiate to death because the entire drama is hold-your-breath moments.

All I can do for now is claim that it helps me with my Japanese. It does, right? Right? More so than reading Koizora.

понедельник, 15 июня 2009 г.


"The University of Colorado at Boulder has submitted a roster containing information about you and your upcoming trip with their Study Abroad Program. Our company, International Educational Exchange Services (IEES) is the Administrator for your insurance coverage for that trip"

Behold, I am now insured in Japan! Just in case I, I don't know, walk into a running vehicle. Or get into a terrible biking accident with another bike. Not that either of above have happened before...

Now all I need, basically, is my Certificate of eligibility and then I'm good to go to get my visa and finally go to Japan! Except they said that they're probably going to get my COE in mid-July, so I guess I won't be leaving earlier than August? Messes with my plan of leaving on the 1st of July just a bit. Hopefully I'll get to visit my friends before I have to go back to school.

I'm just a little bit restless - I'm so bored!
I just want to go to Japan already.