вторник, 18 августа 2009 г.


After a sleepless night of my friend Alex and my mother pretty much packing for me, hour-long car ride to the airport, plane-connection-plane-connection in Narita with internet and melon slushies-plane-bus-train-car ride, I am finally home! It feels so weird to be in Japan again, but it's not even a "surreal" feeling type of thing anymore. As soon as I walked off the plane in Narita, I knew that I was in Japan simply because in about 2 seconds I felt as sticky and disgusting as everyone should when they arrive in Japan in the summer. It's just weird, but I'm sure it'll start to sink in... probably later today.
I also would like to say that I am, honest to blog, super beyond amazing. I managed to drag more than my weight in (2)suitcases-basscase-duffelbag-overstuffed(fashionable)fannypack across Shin'Oosaka station to the shinkansen. People at trainstations/airports stared 'cause I mean. White chick running around with suitcases that are not only bigger than Japanese people, but also bigger than herself. Some people even volunteered to help me! Amazing.
My host family's house is... amazingly unchanged. Not only does it look the same and feel the same, it SMELLS the same. I walk in, and right away it felt like I got punched in the face by a wave of natsukashii.

I don't have anything coherent/exciting to say yet, perhaps on the account of the fact that I have slept for about 9 hours total in the last 3 days and I can't sleep anymore. Or maybe because I was on planes/trains/buses for about ten billion hours.

понедельник, 3 августа 2009 г.

Gasp - news!

I have received the most amazing email a couple of days ago. It reads as follows:

"I'm writing with great news for all of you: we have just been notified by Kansai Gaidai University that you have all been awarded the prestigious JASSO scholarship from the Japanese government. This is exceptional thanks to additional funding for the year 2009-2010 so you are all extremely lucky. We usually receive one award per year.

The scholarship is very generous ($8,000+) and will contribute greatly to your experience in Japan. You will be receiving official notification and more information about the scholarship directly from Kansai Gaidai in early August. But I wanted to let you know right away!


The only thing I have to say that is - hell YES! With the exchange position and everything, my tuition was pretty much the same as the tuition here, at an in-state school. My 1500 dollar scholarship covered my airfare. And this? Well, this pretty much covers my life expenses.